A country/place I would love visiting

Copenhague, city  for the people 👥

I would like to visit  Copenhague in Denmark, your capital.

This place i would like visit because is a big culture of bicycle and walked.

The people ir very healthy for this reasons so I think that this is so interesting and motivational for the rest.

I know this because in past semester, in the "Sostenibilidad Urbana", I studied this place and I love it.

I had to present about this city in there class and finally i like so much for different reasons.

The reasons are, first that I had said before, this that the people is first in the street, in the city, in the urbanism.

This place have this urban plan since 1949 thanks an architect Jan Gehl. 

A plan that considered at the people is first in the town, for open the street for the people, for walk and open more bike street.

I would like to do everything, really, the city is for the people so you can walk, shopping, eat and other activities in the city, and the amazing thing is that you can to do everything walk or in the subway, that is very efficient.

Therefore, I would like to travel and know this place, know how good is for the people with my eyes, and invited you to know, investigate about Copenhague and your culture about bicycle and general.


          See you in the next blog and happy 18th💖


  1. I liked this place very much during the classes, it is very different from our country, I hope I can visit it someday and that you can do it too.

  2. that´s so intersting and so different from Chile, i would like to know more. I hope you can visit it.

  3. I love a city with a walking and biking culture, let's go for a ride Eli


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