Academic Challenges 2021

In this years, of pandemic, the learn is more difficult. For us and for the teachers, I think.

We can´t saw the face of the person in the room, can`t interact with the partners or with the teacher for ask something. 

In the zoom, or class online, We don`t have space alone with the teacher where we can ask and no one listened to us.

I think that pademic, is a bad moment but there that learn about her. And for a things improve, we need strive and better with the time and care between us.

I have a goals in the present year, that is learn about my major and know that I like for after, for my minor. And with this, I can order my life and mi actions in the next years.

But no all is beautiful, in the beginnings, was difficult. My family, my little brothers in class, work in the night for the tasks and in the next day, all again. 

And I think that, my case is a gentle case, because should be exist serious or complicated cases.

But in this time, I can and maybe We can be stay with our families. In the university, we have travel and live in Santiago, in this case (we are students of FAU) and currently, several we are living in the region. So our families stay far away, and we alone in the capital. Therefore, thanks for pandemic, we can stay we near them.


  1. I hope you achieve your goal and learn a lot about your specialty!!-Paloma G.

  2. I think that repeating routine and in the same four walls has been the biggest challenge academically.


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