Who am i

Hello everybody, my name is Elizabeth Lara Araya, I am 19 years old. 

My zodiacal sign is Cancer (my birthday is July 7) so i am very drama queen and sensitive. I study architecture in UCh.

I was born in Antofagasta but the changed things and now live in San Felipe in V region. My city is very little, is a village. The importance for this place is the vineyard and.... nothing more, is a little place.

I have two cats, one is white and have heterochromia, for this reason she can't a children. Now she is 5 years old, her name is Luna. And the other cat is Lexie (for Grey's Anatomy and the two names started with L), I say that she is the baby, she is 1 years old.  Both are mine daughters.

And they are the reasons name for my blog.


My family is big, we are 7, my parents and 5 children, my house is very noisy and restless. 

This is my life and the important things, in conclusion my city is very boring, my family is big and I like the cats.

Thanks <3


  1. I love your cats, they are very cute, I always wanted a kitten but I can't bc I'm allergic :(

  2. I love cats, they are adorable little furry grumpy things

  3. I love cats too, especially how sensitive and expressive they can be.

  4. You forget say that you're be very good at mathematics! I love Luna and her eyes!

  5. I love the reason for the name of your blog, your kittens are too cute, I love them! hahaha


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