My Favorite Piece of Technology

Is a difficult ask...
I like the technology but sometimes is complicated hahah
The people suppose that my generation knows to use the technology and I DON`T KNOW 
Only use instagram, Whatsapp , ucursos, facebook and others apps but know how build the computer, the parts of them, i don´t have idea...

But I use my phone always, especially now in pandemic for the apps and easy to carry. But from time to time, I used  play station 3💙

Love it, I played ✨God of War✨ (all) and when I have time, play them again

The computer is very important also, for my major I use many times. So is part of me now hahahah  I have to realice the job, the plans, see class, many things. 

But my best friends in this moment is my phone.
Thinking.... Is relation more long and more toxic in my life hahha😂😔
I takes more time of the day and I need more time for other thinks...
Maybe should? Yes
I want? NO hahaha 

✨This is the game that I played, is very funny (if you like this type the games) 


  1. Is very true, the computer is a part of my. I spend more time in this for homeworks that for fun.

  2. Same with the longest and most toxic relationship with my smartphone XDD, I can't put it down.

  3. I envy you! I always wanted to have a play station XD

  4. the same happens to me hahaha. I don't really know anything about tech gadgets, I know the basics, but there really is a world behind them

  5. I also use the phone a lot, and I learned the basics of the computer during my studies, the basic requirements so that it does not crash every now and then, before they told me RAM and I was left with what????


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